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Time of Reflection

I will apologize to those who are expecting a comical blog entry. Don't stop reading though; aspects of this entry have been on my mind for a while. Many of the thoughts herein have entered into my mind at times of great reflective clarity. I do not easily relay things of a personal nature so I will be brief. But I hope that I am able convey the feelings of gratitude that I have for my family. I feel much like Parley P. Pratt did when he wrote of learning the principal of eternal families, from the prophet Joseph Smith (see page 330 of his autobiography).

I could not have been born into a more wonderful family. The more I reflect on growing up with my family, the more I realized how truly blessed I am. My loving parents taught us (my siblings and I) and allowed us to learn. We spent spent time together as a family in recreation as well as work. Among the many things that I gained from this upbringing is a knowledge of and a love for my Father in Heaven.

This love is what fueled my desire to serve as a missionary. After submitting the paperwork I was called to serve in the Micronesia Guam Mission (this included the Republic Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, Northern Marianas Islands, Guam, and the Marshall Islands). I didn't know anyone when I arrived but when I left two years later, I was surprised by how much I loved the people--both those that I served and those with whom I served. I am amazed that when leaving my birth family, I was greeted by another. Even today was I type this, 10 years after first arriving on Guam, the love and gratitude I feel is almost overwhelming. The experiences with my brothers and sisters on the isles of the sea has so profoundly impacted my life that I can't really begin to put them into words.

It would be an understatement if I said that transitioning back into "normal" life after returning home was difficult. I received great comfort and council from my then bishop now father-in-law. The final family I wish to thank is the family into which I married. General Robert E. Lee advised J.B. Hood to “Never marry unless you can do so into a family that will enable your children to feel proud of both sides of the house". I can say without hesitation that in marrying my wonderful wife I have done this. I don't think I could have been more completely welcomed into a family without being born into it. The love they share is a wonderful thing to experience.

The family that my wife and I now enjoy has been directly shaped by these families. I am grateful that these cherished relationships can last through the eternities. Thank you again to these families you are an integral part of the joy I feel in my life.

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