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Mostly a Mystery

I saw some paper that was advertised as being 25% cotton...what is the other 75%? Can you imagine buying other products that only disclosed 25% of their composition? Are the majority of it's components that detestable or unsavory that they must be kept a secret to protect we consumers? This possible cover-up smacks of Soylent Green. I'm not trying say that paper is people but one does wonder what they are hiding. Misdirection in advertising what a product isn't, such as MSG free, can be a danger as well. Think of the implications if a TV dinner begins to be advertised as 100% kitten free. Does this mean that the other dinners may contain kitten? Most tuna is advertised as "dolphin free" we then assume that it is pure tuna but logically this is just stating that what is in the can is most assuredly not dolphin. We should all be a bit more terrified at what they are or are not telling us. Who is they anyway...

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