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The Wisdom of Gump

Many people take the opening of a new year as an opportunity to resolve to make changes to improve their life. Before the end of the year I was contemplating what I would resolve to change. A lot of people resolve to lose weight. Well I still wear the pants I bought at Ross Dress for Less on Guam 10 years ago (I don't know if that speaks more to me being cheap or my fashion sense).

I'm not aware that I have any particularly unsavory habits. The life altering change I have elected to make is a simple one; Nap more. Yup, two words "nap more". I know that it sounds like I'm resolving to be lazy but that's not the case. I often don't take time to rest. When I take time off from work I usually find myself doing work at home. And when I do rest I find my self laying on my back, thinking of what I need to do next.

The nap more resolution is not merely sleeping more but a way for me to examine things that should be done vs. things that need to be done. Treebeard the Ent had the right idea when he said "don't be hasty" (although he had taken this to an extreme). I am evaluating how I manage time so that things are done in "wisdom and order".

As I was pondering the implications of this resolution, a quote from Forrest Gump came to mind (not the one about existence being akin a rectangular container of sundry roasted cocoa bean confections). Forrest, in talking about his cross country run, says, "When I got tired, I slept. When I got hungry, I ate. When I had to go, you know...I went." Leave it to Gump to so perfectly capture the essences of my resolution. Do what needs to be done when it needs doing. Keeping this in mind I find myself being busier but feeling more relaxed.

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